A Typical Day on an African Safari

A Typical Day on an African Safari

While the specifics of a typical day on safari can vary depending on the safari lodge or camp, the following provides an example of what you might experience on a safari in a conservancy, where night game drives are possible. This will give you a glimpse of what a typical day entails:

Please note that the timings can vary depending on the season and the country you’re visiting. For instance, in Southern Africa during the winter months (June and July), schedules might be adjusted to catch the sunrise and sunset.

Wake-Up Call

Embarking on a safari means rising early. Usually, around 06:00 hours or even earlier, you’ll receive a wake-up call at your camp or lodge. Hot tea, coffee, and biscuits are served, and as the sun begins to illuminate the horizon, you set off on your early-morning game drive. This is the prime time for tracking nocturnal hunters like leopards and lions as they roam before the day’s heat takes hold.


After several hours of game driving, you’ll return to your camp or lodge for a satisfying cooked breakfast, or you might enjoy a bush breakfast out on the open plains before the day gets too warm.

Midday and Lunch

Lunch is typically served at your camp or lodge, and the remainder of the afternoon is dedicated to relaxation—perhaps reading, napping, or taking a refreshing dip in the pool if one is available, especially during the heat of the day.

Late Afternoon to Early Evening

Around 16:00 hours, you’ll gather for afternoon tea before embarking on your afternoon game drive. The timing of your return—whether it’s before sunset or after—depends on the location of your camp or lodge. The late afternoon and early evening game drive is another fantastic opportunity to observe wildlife, much like the early morning drive. As the sun begins to dip below the horizon, predators become more active, emerging from their daytime slumber. Sunset is also a perfect time to savor a refreshing sundowner drink.

Most game drives conclude just before complete darkness falls, allowing guests some time to freshen up with a shower, enjoy pre-dinner drinks, and indulge in a delicious meal. Many evenings conclude around a campfire, where guests gather to warm their toes and share captivating safari tales.


Depending on your camp or lodge, you may have the option to embark on a game drive after dinner. Spotlights are employed to spot nocturnal wildlife. Often, this is the ideal time to encounter elusive creatures such as leopards, as well as other fascinating animals like porcupines and genets. A night game drive offers an entirely unique perspective of the bush and is an unforgettable experience that will stay with you forever.