Exploring Africa: Dry Season vs. Wet Season – Advantages and Disadvantages

Exploring Africa: Dry Season vs. Wet Season – Advantages and Disadvantages

The dry season shines as an optimal time for embarking on a safari expedition. Celebrated for its crystal-clear skies and diminished humidity, it grants superb visibility for photography and showcases stunning landscapes. However, it’s essential to bear in mind that the dry season corresponds with the peak tourist season in numerous African destinations, leading to crowded national parks and attractions, especially in wildlife hotspots. Furthermore, due to heightened demand, accommodation prices often skyrocket during this period.

Conversely, the wet season offers a more intimate and exclusive safari encounter, with fewer crowds in both accommodations and parks. This season transforms the surroundings into vibrant green panoramas, adorned with blooming flowers and luxuriant vegetation. It frequently aligns with the birthing season of various animals such as wildebeest and zebra, providing an opportunity to witness newborn wildlife. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to be prepared for sudden and unpredictable downpours and storms that may impact outdoor activities and wildlife sightings.

To assist you in making an informed decision, we’ve tailored a selection of activities to each season:

Bird Watching:

Best Season: Wet season for migratory birds (varies by region)

The wet season lures migratory birds to various regions, presenting a distinct opportunity for bird enthusiasts to witness and study these avian species. This period sees birds engaging in breeding activities, thanks to the abundance of food and resources, making it a thrilling time for birdwatchers. The arrival of migratory birds from distant locales enhances the likelihood of spotting rare and unusual species, injecting an exciting sense of exploration into the birdwatching experience.

Gorilla Trekking:

Best Season: Year-round, but drier months (e.g., December to February and June to September) offer more comfortable hiking conditions

Gorilla trekking offers an extraordinary wildlife experience that remains accessible all year round. Nevertheless, the dry months offer more favorable hiking conditions, guaranteeing a more pleasant and less physically challenging trek. It’s essential to note that demand for permits tends to be higher during these dry months, so it’s advisable to secure your booking well in advance.

Walking Safari:

Best Season: Dry season, avoiding the hottest hours of the day

Walking safaris provide a distinctive approach to discovering Africa’s wilderness by foot. While feasible at any time of the year, the dry season usually offers cooler temperatures, particularly in the early morning and late afternoon, rendering it the optimal time for embarking on walking safaris. This season also witnesses wildlife gathering around the few remaining water sources, heightening the prospects of encountering a diverse array of species during your stroll.

Wildlife Tracking:

*Best Season:* Year-round, but tracking is less challenging during the dry season

Although the dry season presents certain advantages for wildlife tracking, successful tracking can be accomplished in other seasons as well. Dry conditions bring about clear skies and reduced rainfall, creating a more comfortable environment for tracking and allowing for sustained observation. Additionally, during the dry season, track visibility improves due to reduced rain and foot traffic, making the tracking process more efficient.

Cultural Performances:

Best Season: Year-round, depending on specific cultural events

Africa boasts rich cultural diversity, with various regions and countries celebrating traditional festivals at different times of the year. These festivals showcase traditional dances, music, costumes, and rituals. Cultural performances are integral to many African tourism experiences and can be enjoyed year-round, depending on your interest in specific cultural events.

Green Season Photography:

Best Season: Year-round, but wet season transforms landscapes into vibrant green settings

The wet season revitalizes African landscapes, transforming them into verdant, lush environments. This lush backdrop enriches wildlife photography, presenting vibrant colors and abundant greenery. Furthermore, the wet season sees fewer tourists, creating more room and opportunities for capturing wildlife without the presence of crowded safari vehicles or distractions..

Boat Safari:

Best Season: Year-round, but dry season may offer better water visibility

Numerous African destinations provide the opportunity for boat safaris, granting you a distinctive perspective to explore and observe wildlife. In the dry season, although rainfall is generally scarce, cooler temperatures and ample water sources lead to heightened wildlife activity and interactions. It’s a prime time to witness animals playing, bathing, and engaging in social behaviors during your boat safari adventure.

Waterfall Visits:

Best Season: Year-round, but wet season results in fuller and more impressive waterfalls

Waterfalls assume a captivating and enchanting allure during the wet season, as rainwater replenishes rivers and streams, giving rise to magnificent spectacles. To experience waterfalls in their complete splendor, plan your visit during the wet season. However, it’s crucial to prioritize safety at all times, as heavy rain may render paths slippery or lead to potential floods.

Photography Safari:

Best Season: Year-round, but dry season offers clearer skies and better lighting

To capture breathtaking photos of wildlife in their natural environments, conduct thorough research on your chosen destinations and seek guidance from local guides or experienced photographers. The dry season frequently coincides with specific wildlife events, presenting exceptional photographic chances that you won’t want to miss.


Considering an African safari to places like Kenya, Zanzibar, or Tanzania? Let Safari Seekers be your trusted advisors. By taking into consideration factors like weather conditions, wildlife migrations, and your personal preferences, we provide valuable insights drawn from our local knowledge and extensive experience in organizing safari journeys. We’ll assist you in selecting the perfect destination and activities, whether it’s birdwatching, specific wildlife encounters, or other seasonal experiences you’re seeking. Whether you need weather details, tailor-made safari packages, or the ultimate safari adventure, count on us to help you craft unforgettable memories in Africa.