Experience The Garden Route Tour in South Africa.

Experience The Garden Route Tour in South Africa.

Nestled within the expansive Ngorongoro Conservation Area, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and International Biosphere Reserve spanning nearly 8,300 kmĀ², lies a world of breathtaking natural beauty, captivating archaeological treasures, and encounters with the local Maasai tribe. This remarkable destination also offers a stunning array of wildlife, encompassing volcanic terrain, lush forests, rolling grasslands, and the unique presence of the Maasai people.

Embark on a Safari in Ngorongoro Crater National Park

The Ngorongoro Crater, a true marvel of the natural world, takes center stage within the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Descend into the crater, where its sunken floor teems with awe-inspiring wildlife sightings. Here, you may have the rare privilege of observing elusive creatures such as the black rhino, along with a multitude of diverse animal herds.

This ancient crater, which originated from volcanic activity some 20 million years ago as part of the Rift Valley, boasts towering rim walls reaching a lofty 2,220 meters (approximately 1.4 miles) above sea level. Don’t forget to bring a jacket or sweater, as the high elevation can bring a chill to the air. The steep crater walls, soaring over 600 meters from the floor, create a spellbinding panorama, captivating all who venture here.

Encounter the Abundant Wildlife of Ngorongoro Crater

Ngorongoro Crater serves as a haven for over 30,000 creatures, including the famed “Big Five” – buffalo, elephants, leopards, lions, and rhinos. Beyond these iconic animals, the crater is home to cheetahs, hartebeests, hippos, hyenas, jackals, reedbucks, warthogs, servals, waterbucks, wildebeests, zebras, and hosts an impressive array of birdlife and insects.

Explore Empakaai & Olmoti Craters

Located near the heart of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, two smaller craters offer enticing opportunities for walkers and hiking enthusiasts.

**Empakaai Crater**

Spanning 6 kilometers in width, the Empakaai Crater boasts walls that soar nearly 300 meters high. Its floor is adorned with a salt-water lake, a favorite haunt of waterbucks and eland. As you journey along the lake’s edge, you’ll encounter buffalo, bushbucks, blue monkeys, and rare avian treasures like turacos and sunbirds. From the base of the crater, enjoy a breathtaking view of Oldoinyo Lengai, an active volcano. On clear days, you can even spot the snow-capped peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro.

**Olmoti Crater**

The Olmoti Crater presents a contrasting landscape, featuring a shallow grass-covered basin. Here, you may encounter the Maasai tribe with their livestock, as well as wild buffalo, reedbucks, and eland. Crossing the crater is the Munge River, which cascades into a mesmerizing waterfall, plunging hundreds of meters in a spectacular display of nature’s grandeur.

Discover the Olduvai Gorge

In 1959, the world witnessed a groundbreaking discovery at the Olduvai Gorge when Dr. Louis Leakey and his wife Mary unearthed the remains of the first fossilized Proconsul skull, an extinct ape believed to be a distant human ancestor. This historic site offers a glimpse into our evolutionary past and the remarkable journey of humanity.