3 Days Tsavo-Saltlick Safari: A Quick But Big Adventure In Kenya

3 Days Tsavo-Saltlick Safari: A Quick But Big Adventure In Kenya

Three Days in Tsavo-Saltlick Safari is one of the most adventurous and rewarding safaris in Kenya; one which is famed for its sighting of rare and magnificent animals like elephants, lions, leopards, cheetahs, rhinos and so many more. The combination of the three days spent in Tsavo National Park and one day spent at Salt lick Game reserve makes this 3 day tour is a memorable vacation.

Amboseli National Park

The Tsavo National Park is one of Kenya’s most popular tourist destinations, and it’s easy to see why. The park is home to some of the country’s most iconic animals, including lions, elephants and zebras. It’s also home to many other species and provides ample opportunity for bird watching or game viewing.

The park can be explored in a variety of ways, including on foot, by car or by plane. If you’re only going to be able to spend a few days in Kenya, then you might want to consider taking a three-day tour through Tsavo. This gives you more time than just a day trip but still allows you to see as many of the park’s highlights as possible.

The Tsavo National Park is one of the largest national parks in Kenya. It is located in the Rift Valley Province and covers an area of approximately 12,500sq km. The park was established on 1st October 1948 and is divided into two parts – Tsavo East and Tsavo West.

wildebeest migration


The park has a wide variety of vegetation types ranging from dense tropical rainforest to semi-desert scrubland. The main attraction of this park is the Tsavo East National Park where you can find lions and other animals.

You can also enjoy a game drive in Tsavo West National Park which is famous for its large herds of wildebeest and zebra during the dry season from May to October.

When it comes to planning an adventure in Kenya, you have a lot of options at your fingertips. From Tsavo West National Park and Amboseli National Park to Tsavo West and Mombasa, there are an array of exciting activities and sites that you could experience on safari. If you’re planning an adventure in Kenya, definitely keep this in mind!

The Great Wildebeest Migration Path

The Great Wildebeest Migration Path

Standing out as one of the most striking wonders of the innate world, the Great Migration is a yearly migration of millions of wildebeest, zebras, and other herbivores moving clockwise through the Serengeti in Tanzania and Kenya’s Masai Mara looking for clean water and green pastures.

This occurrence is also one of the world’s most celebrated and sought-after spectacles by photographers and wildlife enthusiasts.

The great wildebeest migration is famous for being one of the world’s most visually sensational and exciting adventures. Figuring out when to travel to watch this astonishing spectacle depends on a number of parameters, as seasons of the year are marked by different cycles in scenery so it is best to reach out to a reliable and experienced tour operator as they have the know-how.

Lion Tracking Experience in Uganda

overview of the migration path

January – February: During this time, the wildebeests assemble in numbers in the southern part of the Serengeti where they birth thousands of baby calves. This is far-famed as the Serengeti calving season. The soil in this region is abundant in potassium, phosphorus, and calcium, so the grass is usually succulent.

March: This period sees large levels of predacious activities taking place as the huge assembly of so many plains game and new calves make easy targets for lions, cheetahs, and other predatory animals. This action quickly propels a change of surroundings for the wildebeests.

April – May: This is when the Serengeti starts to shrivel and the grass dies off propelling the herds to move west towards the Grumeti River.

June – July: At this time, the herds begin proceeding towards the Masai Mara, however before getting to the Masai Mara, they are faced with the stymy of crossing the Grumeti river. This is arguably the finest time of the year as guests would be able to witness all the thrill unraveling around the Grumeti River and beyond.

Adventures in Kenya

August – September: By this time, the herds have intersected the Grumeti river and are on their way to the Mara River. This is also an impressive crossing that clutches nature in its rawest form.

October: This month sees the herds driving through the Mara river into the pool-table flat Masai Mara veldt where they usually browse till the month’s end and continue their odyssey back to the northern Serengeti where short grass will have become lush.

November – December: The plains game reaches the Seronera region where they will stay till they go back to the southern part of the Serengeti for calving season.

Interesting Facts About The Serengeti

Interesting Facts About The Serengeti

World’s largest exclusive migration of wildlife traveling over 800 km on ayearly journey.

Hundreds of thousands of zebras, Grant’s gazelle, Thomson’s gazelle, eland, impalas, and antelopes affiliate with approximately 1.5 million wildebeest in the great migration.

The zebra and the wildebeest are by nature good friends supporting each other throughout the year during the great migration; they feed on the same vegetation but different parts of it, which enables them to feed congruously.

While the wildebeests are extremely good at whiffing out water from the ground, the zebras help out in shielding and directing the wildebeests keeping them on the correct route all through the year-long travel driven mainly by their search for water and food, making the zebra and the wildebeest not separable.

Serengeti bubble

Serengeti bubble is one of the doddering in the world — the flora, fauna, and environmental conditions of the Serengeti ecosystem have stayed the same for thousands of years.

Wildebeests are known to function using what researchers call “swarm intelligence”which means that they act upon difficult situations encountered and bring about solutions as a team.

Close to 8000 wildebeest are born daily for about 21 days usually in mid-February and the calves can walk as soon as they are born.

Besides the lions that prey on the wildebeests, other jeopardizing predators include leopards, hyenas, cheetahs, and crocodiles.

The majority of the migration takes place in Tanzania encompasses the Serengeti national park, Loliondo game controlled area, Ngorongoro conservation area, and the Grumeti reserve while the migration stretches to the Masai Mara game reserve in Kenya bordering the Serengeti national park.

wildebeest migration


The Serengeti National Park is the jewel of Tanzania and is famous for its copious numbers of wildlife, long expanse of involuted grasslands, exhilarating rivers, and developing ecosystem.

It is fringed by Kenya to the north where it runs into the Maasai Mara National Reserve; the Ikorongo and Grumeti game reserves to the west, with the Ngorongoro conservation region to the southeast, and to the northeast lies the Loliondo Game regimented area, all together forming the larger Serengeti ecosystem which consists of these five main areas.


The Southern Serengeti plains are residence to a number of migratory herds specifically during the green season due to its nourishing plains with short grasses rich in phosphorus, making it an ideal space for the Great wildebeest migration calving season with an impressive wildlife viewing of over two million animals spread across the savannah.

Much of the Southern Serengeti are situated outside of the Serengeti national park so dissimilar to other areas of the Serengeti, off-road driving and walking safaris are permitted. The Southern Serengeti plains are overly seasonal therefore during the dry season, the Southern Serengeti is given a complete appearance and transformed into a semi-desert and herds usually drift off these plains as the area dries out.


A lively and energetic wildlife area, the Central Serengeti is celebrated as the best resident game equated to other regions of the Serengeti National park as it is ideally located centrally. It is the perfect region for a complete safari adventure because game viewing here in Central Serengeti is splendid at any time of the year.

During May and early June, the northbound wildebeest move through the Central Serengeti, and once again from November to early December, they migrate en route to the south to the short grass plains.


This rear is home to large herds moving in the months of July to November. It is a relatively raw wilderness boasting some stunning landscapes and is occupied by scores of magnificent wildlife.

Tanzania Safari Tours

Visitors here are offered surpassing and theatric sightings of wildebeest and zebras as they make the precarious journey across the Mara river into the Masai Mara region. These animals are not just untrusting of the large crocodiles lurking in the water, but also of the cascading waters of the river itself.

It is a high-strung moment for most visitors as they watch these worn-down and terrified wildebeests and zebras strive to brave the fervent flow. Some are able to cross over with excessive efforts, but there are some who are not so lucky as the strong water currents either submerge them or take them back to the same side of the river making the whole experience start over.


Constituted in 1994 covering 2000 sq km, the Grumeti game reserve makes a part of the larger Serengeti Masai Mara ecosystem where the yearly great wildebeest migration happens and is found along the Northwestern border of the Serengeti National Park which is where the migration is easily found.

The most suited time to visit this reserve is from June to October or January to February. A migratory corridor for the herds passing through the area naturally, the Grumeti game reserve is a distant lush location that offers a far more comprehensive greener safari experience with rolling hills, river, and woodlands patch, logging into the lengthy terrain as far as the eye can see.


This is where the herds open out against the disruptive waters and the ravenous crocodiles of the Mara river. The animals that make it across are paid off with the lush skimming grass stretching across the savannah of the Masai Mara.

Towards the end of May, the rains will have fully stopped, cueing the herd to move northward. The dry months of July through October continue to be the perfect game viewing period as the disappearing vegetation makes it a lot easier to watch the animals as they continue their migration back to the Serengeti.

Maasai Mara is known for its exceeding population of predators and prey alike — cheetahs, leopards, and lions and the annual migration of zebra, Thomson’s gazelle, topi, and wildebeests to and from the Serengeti yearly from July to October.

The wildebeests, topi, zebra, and Grant’s gazelle move into and reside in the Mara reserve from the Serengeti plains to the south and Loita plains in the rural ranches to the northeast.


The great wildebeest migration happens annually, but there is still no assurance that you might see it if you decide to do it all by yourself as you might end up not being informed where and when to go.

Therefore, it is important to book with a reliable and experienced tour operator. Take, for instance, the imbrication of the migration which is the crossing of the Mara river which also co-occurs with the peak safari season and can be seen from both countries, each offering an equally electrifying but distinctive aspect of the great wildebeest migration.

Tanzania Safari Tours

It is extremely strenuous for DIY travelers to be at the right places at the right time to watch it. Famous viewings like the paradise crossing are used by tour guides yearly, which lets them know where to position their vehicles as they await the first migratory crossing.

From the Tanzanian side, you would see the wildebeests leave and fromthe Kenyan side, you would see them arriving.

Keep in mind that there are lots of travelers during this peak season and the prices are usually higher, so it is best to reserve in advance, sometimes months ahead of your planned visit to make sure you have your preferred location and accommodation.

Safari Seekers specializes in great wildebeest migration tours and has served guests internationally. Our staff is trained in a regular and professional manner to make sure they meet your expectations, whether budget or luxury. Get in touch with us today to discuss your next great migration safari adventure plans!

Unforgettable Occurrences for a First-Timer in Kenya

Unforgettable Occurrences for a First-Timer in Kenya

Kenya is one of the world’s stellar safari destinations with a succession of entertaining scenery to lay eyes on. Situated in the eastern space of Africa, the country is differentiated by breathtaking tableau, impressive wildlife, and vibrant culture. As a first-time traveler to Kenya for a safari tour, set yourself up for a lifetime adventure that you have only witnessed on television. The Kenya parcel rises from the low-level coastal plain on the Indian Ocean to highlands and mountains at the center. West of its capital Nairobi, the land cascades down 6,400km down to the Great Rift Valley. On the inside of this valley, north of the Kenyan desert are the green waters of the famous Lake Turkana.

Kenya for a safari tour


The continuous savannah plains of the Kenyan terrain are filled with a mixed bag of wildlife creatures. 23 National parks, 4 National Marine Parks, 28 National reserves, 6 National Marine reserves, and 4 National Sanctuaries, have been set up by the Kenyan government to inhabit the various animal types. On your Kenya tour, you are assured of sole game viewing from the ‘big five’ – Lion, elephant, leopard, rhinoceros, and buffalos to a range of bird species and other wild animals. One striking event you will scarcely miss is what is the world cup of the Maasai Mara National Reserve, ‘The Great Migration’.

As a first-timer to Kenya, you are uncorking amazing possibilities – the society, terrain, food, music and wildlife. Kenya has lots of safari parks with top-quality game viewing of animals in their natural habitat. Here are some of the synergies to dofor your first time safari.


One fact for most tourists go to Kenya is to visit one or more of the many safari parks located there. The goal is to get a glanceat some of the wild animals such as the Big Five which includes Lion, Rhino, Buffalo, Leopard, and Elephant. Even though safari can be costly, it is always a fulfilling experience watching African animals in their natural space. The superb thing about a safari in Kenya is that the itinerary provides for solo, couple, and family safari holidays. so, whatever you choose, you will be accommodated. Some of Kenya’s renowned parks are Tsavo East Park, Amboseli National Park, Lake Nakuru, and Masai Mara National Reserve.

Kenya for a safari tour


Known as the finest game in Kenya, Maasai Mara National Reserve is astimulating wildlife destination. Maasai Mara is distinguished by riverine woodlands and rolling green plains. The park is host to a striking array of wildlife and is also renowned for the wildebeest Migration. Here at the Maasai Mara National Reserve, you can also find a plethora of Elephants, Lions, Giraffes, a variety of Gazelle’s species and Zebras. On your Kenya Family Safari, you can savor a game drive around this park and see these breathtaking animals.


Situated in South of Kenya, at the border of Tanzania, Amboseli National Park is known for the huge herds of elephants gallivanting around the park;there is also a big possibility of sighting the big five on your game drive. You can even catch a glimpse of Mount Kilimanjaro when the sky is clear.


Lake Nakuru National Park is a preserved sanctuary and home to the endangered white and black rhinos among other animals like leopards and lions. Also, Lake Nakuru is a knee-deep soda lake with a high density of Flamingos and over 460 species of bird life.


Set out on a boat ride on Lake Naivasha on your Kenya family safari. You and your family can ride on the glinting surface, looking out for hippos and other aquatic creatures on the edge of the lake.


This is one of the most mesmerizing occurrence you should look out for on your Kenya Safari holiday. This yearly migration of over two million wildebeest alongside Zebras and Thomson’s gazelles searching for better pastures. This extra ordinary phenomenon is known as one of the few land movements which remainin its entirety on the planet today.

Kenya for a safari tour


On your Kenya family safari, you and your loved ones can hangout out on the East African Indian Ocean coast line and bask on a beach holiday. Magnetised by pristine white sandy beaches, oscillating palm trees, and a myriad of beach sports activities for you and your loved ones. The Kenyan coast comprises Malindi, Diani, Kilifi, Lamu, Watamuand Mombasa.

CONCLUSION Kenya is a celebrated world-class tourist destination with lots of breathtaking sites and sounds. The unparalleled landscape, stunning safari parks, eminent mountains, beaches, history, food, and people make Kenya stand out as a destination. A perfect location for a family safari or as a solo backpacker. Regardless of your travel needs, Kenya has something for everyone.

Safari Seekers Help You Book Your Christmas Holidays

Safari Seekers Help You Book Your Christmas Holidays

Are you looking for a safari to Kenya and celebrating Christmas holidays in the warmth of Africa? If so, you have come to right place.

Safari Seekers are the leading tour operator based in Nairobi, Kenya. We offer a wide range of safaris that take you to see all the best wildlife in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. We specialize in tailor made tours so if you want something specific then just ask us! Our tours can be taken as private or group safaris. The tour guides are very experienced and knowledgeable so they will make sure that your stay is comfortable and enjoyable.

We offer a variety of tours including:

Private or Group Safari – We can handle groups of up to 10 people on most of our tours, so please get in touch with us if you would like to join one of our safaris.

Nairobi National Park

Family Safari – If you have young children then we would recommend that you take one of our family safari packages which are specially designed for families with children between ages 2-10 years old.

Corporate Safaris – We have been working with corporate clients for many years now and we know how important it is for them to be able to relax and have fun while they are on safari! That’s why at Safari Seekers we work hard.

As you plan your Christmas holidays, there are many things to consider. You want to go somewhere that is not too far but not too close either. You also need a place with good weather and great scenery.

If you are planning a Kenya safari holiday, here are some of the things you should know:

Kenya is a small country with varied landscapes and wildlife. It is known for its large game parks like Amboseli National Park and Masai Mara National Reserve. These parks offer visitors an amazing experience of seeing large herds of animals such as elephants and giraffes, as well as lions and leopards on their feeding grounds.

Amboseli National Park

You can also visit one of the many lakes in Kenya including Lake Victoria and Lake Turkana, which are home to hippos, crocodiles and many other species of birds and animals.

There are many other places that you can visit in Kenya such as Nairobi National Museum, The British Colonial House Museum, The Giraffe Center along with others that will give you an insight into Kenyan culture while enjoying the beautiful scenery

If you’re looking to explore Kenya’s wildlife while on vacation then Safari Seekers is the best travel agency to book safaris and tours. With affordable prices and various packages, there’s a safari option for every traveler. Whether you want to witness Africa’s wildlife in their natural habitat during a game drive, or want to learn more about Africa’s wildlife up close during a game walk, Safari Seekers will shape your journey of experiences to form lasting memories about Kenya’s wildlife that you can carry with you forever.