What Animals Can You Encounter on a Wildlife Safari in Kenya?

What Animals Can You Encounter on a Wildlife Safari in Kenya?

  1. Buffalo

Swahili Name: Nyati

The African Cape buffalo, known for its irascible nature, holds the distinction of being a member of the renowned Big 5 and is widely acknowledged as one of the most formidable creatures on the African continent. Possessing an infamously unpredictable temperament and formidable strength, this buffalo species has few natural adversaries, with lions and large crocodiles being notable exceptions.

Wondering Where to Spot Cape Buffalos in Kenya?

While the Cape buffalo is among the most ravenous grazers in Africa, it is not particularly choosy when it comes to its preferred habitat. Nevertheless, these creatures have an extensive thirst to satisfy, thus relying heavily on Kenya’s perennial water sources found in regions such as the Masai Mara, Amboseli National Park, and Meru National Park, the latter of which boasts some of the most substantial buffalo herds you can encounter during a Kenyan wildlife safari.

  1. Cheetah

Swahili Name: Duma

The cheetah, Earth’s fastest land mammal, capable of reaching speeds exceeding 100 km/h (60 mph), seeks expansive and open terrain for pursuing its prey. Witnessing these swift felines in pursuit is among the most exhilarating experiences you can encounter on a wildlife safari in Kenya.

Wondering Where to Observe Cheetahs in Kenya?

The Masai Mara’s predominantly flat and treeless environment provides an ideal hunting domain for these remarkable Kenyan creatures. Moreover, the presence of numerous termite mounds serves as vantage points—cheetahs ascend to the summits to surveil the wildlife of the Masai Mara and identify their next potential meal.

  1. Crocodile

Swahili Name: Mamba

The Nile crocodile, extensively distributed throughout Kenya, primarily inhabits aquatic ecosystems such as lakes, rivers, swamplands, and marshes. On average, adult males can attain lengths of up to five meters (16 feet) and weigh as much as 750 kilograms (1,650 pounds).

This formidable reptile ranks as Africa’s largest freshwater predator, capable of overpowering virtually any creature within its domain. Nile crocodiles exhibit a versatile diet, primarily consuming fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Notably, every August, approximately a million wildebeests brave the perilous journey across the Mara River’s Kenyan banks, providing an annual feast for these apex predators!

Where to Spot Nile Crocodiles in Kenya:

  • Masai Mara
  • Amboseli National Park
  • Meru National Park

  1. Elephant

Swahili Name: Tembo

In Kenya’s various wildlife reserves, elephants are a common sight, with the exception of Lake Nakuru. However, for a chance to witness some of the largest herds of these majestic creatures, along with their impressive tusks, in East Africa, Amboseli National Park is the place to be. In Amboseli, magnificent gatherings of these gentle giants gather to graze and quench their thirst at the park’s perennial swamps and lakes.

On clear, cloudless days, Amboseli also offers some of the most breathtaking vistas of Mount Kilimanjaro. From this vantage point, you can often observe Kenya’s wildlife set against the stunning backdrop of Africa’s highest peak.

Where to Encounter Elephants in Kenya:

  • Amboseli National Park
  • Masai Mara
  • Samburu National Reserve
  • Meru National Park
  • Laikipia

  1. Giraffe

Swahili Name: Twiga

Giraffes, another iconic presence among Kenya’s diverse wildlife, are a frequent and highly sought-after sight for safari enthusiasts. Witnessing the world’s tallest land animals adopting their distinctive wide-legged stance to drink water is a true delight.

Where to Spot Giraffes in Kenya:

You can encounter various subspecies of giraffes during your Kenya wildlife safari, including:

  • Rothschild’s giraffe, one of the most endangered: For up-close encounters, visit The Giraffe Centre or stay at Giraffe Manor in Nairobi. Lake Nakuru National Park is also a crucial stronghold for this species.
  • Reticulated giraffes: For the best sightings, venture to Samburu National Reserve or Meru National Park.
  • Masai giraffes: Abundant in Kenya’s prominent parks such as the Masai Mara and Amboseli.

  1. Hippopotamus

Swahili Name: Kiboko

Named after the ancient Greek term for ‘river horse,’ it’s no wonder that you’ll encounter substantial congregations of these creatures in Kenya’s rivers, lakes, and swamps. Despite the hippopotamus’s visual resemblance to a pig, its closest living relatives belong to the cetacean family (comprising whales, dolphins, porpoises, and more). Due to its remarkably aggressive and unpredictable disposition, the hippo ranks among the world’s most perilous animals, particularly when they emerge from water to graze during the twilight hours.

If you happen to be staying at a safari lodge or camp located alongside a river or lake, you’ll be treated to the daily, melodious drama performed by territorial male hippos.

Where to Observe Hippos in Kenya:

While these creatures are abundant near permanent water sources throughout the country, the premier locations to witness hippos on a Kenyan wildlife expedition include:

  • The swamps and lakes of Amboseli National Park
  • The Talek and Mara Rivers in the Masai Mara
  • Streams and rivers within Meru National Park
  • Lake Nakuru National Park

  1. Hyena

Swahili Name: Fisi

Hyenas, perpetual opportunists of the African wilderness, maintain a close proximity to predator kills, often seizing the chance to pilfer meat from the likes of lions and cheetahs. Exhibiting a distinctive and somewhat eerie laughter-like vocalization, these scavengers are known for their ability to snatch morsels from almost any predator. Despite their reputation for savage behavior and somewhat unconventional appearance, hyenas, alongside vultures and jackals, perform a crucial role in the ecosystem by recycling carrion – they serve as Nature’s diligent recyclers!

During your Kenyan wildlife safari, it’s not uncommon to drift off to the distant, echoing serenade of spotted hyenas. These animals are widespread in Kenya and can be found in areas teeming with plains game, which sustains the predator-prey cycle.

Where to Encounter Hyenas in Kenya:

  • Masai Mara
  • Amboseli National Park
  • Meru National Park


  1. Leopard

Swahili Name: Chui

The elusive and solitary Panthera pardus, better known as the leopard, can transform an ordinary Kenya wildlife safari into an unforgettable, lifelong memory. Renowned for its unparalleled mastery of camouflage and stealth, the leopard remains a highly elusive creature, making it a coveted sighting for adventurers. This predator’s captivating allure lies in its regal beauty; its striking coat has captivated human fascination for generations. With a sinuous, feline grace, leopards move as though they are liquid gold in motion.

Seeking out leopards in Kenya may require a bit of effort or a stroke of extraordinary luck. To catch a glimpse of this enigmatic member of the Big 5, venture to the Masai Mara or Samburu National Reserves for the best possible opportunities.

Samburu, characterized by arid woodlands adorned with rugged rocky formations and dense riverine foliage, proudly holds the distinction as Kenya’s premier destination for leopard sightings. Although much of the Masai Mara features expansive grasslands, which are more favorable for cheetahs, lions, and hyenas, prime leopard habitats can also be found along the riverside areas.

  1. Lion

Swahili Name: Simba

Panthera leo, the undisputed monarch of the African wilderness, reigns supreme. The sight of lions during a Kenya wildlife safari is not only incredibly thrilling but taps into a primal fascination that stirs the soul. The initial impression upon encountering this member of the illustrious Big 5 in Kenya is the sheer magnitude of their presence. Their robust, barrel-chested forms, prominent chins, and resounding roars serve as spine-tingling reminders that the untamed realm still bows to their authority.

Lions, Africa’s most formidable predators, engage in the pursuit of sizable prey such as zebra, buffalo, giraffe, hippopotamus, and even young elephants. Should you ever be fortunate enough to witness lionesses in the throes of a hunt, the experience is nothing short of heart-pounding, etching an indelible memory in your soul.

Where to Encounter Lions in Kenya:

Within the expansive realm of Masai Mara’s wildlife, lions are so abundant that they once claimed the spotlight in their own BBC nature documentary series, “Big Cat Diary.” It goes without saying that the Masai Mara stands as an exceptional destination to observe formidable lion prides throughout the year.

Additionally, while exploring Lake Nakuru National Park, keep a keen eye out for tree-climbing lions. Although lions are not inherently adapted for tree scaling or perching on branches, it is believed that some may ascend trees to catch a cooling breeze or evade ground-dwelling biting insects. This sighting is exceedingly rare, so consider yourself exceptionally fortunate if you chance upon these arboreal felines!

  1. Rhinoceros

Swahili Name: Kifaru

While the renowned Big 5 can be found in Kenya’s Masai Mara, tracking down rhinoceroses has become increasingly challenging. Since the dawn of the twentieth century, these magnificent creatures have teetered on the brink of extinction.

In the 1980s, rampant poaching slashed Kenya’s black rhino population to under 300 individuals. However, thanks to pivotal conservation endeavors in locales such as Lewa and Ol Pejeta, the numbers of black rhinos have been steadily rebounding—though the species remains critically endangered.

Where to Spot Rhinoceroses in Kenya:

To catch a glimpse of rhinos during a wildlife safari in Kenya, your most promising options are Lake Nakuru National Park, as well as:

  • Lewa Wildlife Conservancy: A secure sanctuary for black rhinos.
  • Ol Pejeta Conservancy: The residence of two of the world’s last surviving northern white rhinos.

  1. Wild Dog

Swahili Name: Mbwa Mwitu

A sighting of wild dogs, also known as painted wolves, is an exceedingly rare and exhilarating spectacle on any safari expedition. Unfortunately, their populations face significant threats from habitat fragmentation, human-wildlife conflicts, and disease outbreaks, resulting in the African wild dog being classified as an endangered species.

These canids encompass all the attributes of an exemplary predator: acute intelligence, remarkable cooperation, exceptional hearing, formidable physical prowess, superb vision, and remarkable speed. If you ever have the privilege of your safari guide announcing the presence of wild dogs, you’re in for an unmistakable rush of excitement!

Where to Spot African Wild Dogs in Kenya:

The population of wild dogs is on the rise in the Samburu and Laikipia regions, making the chances of encountering them during your Kenyan wildlife safari quite favorable. In fact, Laikipia has now emerged as the second-most significant sanctuary for wild dogs in Africa, trailing only behind Botswana in importance.

A family of elephants in Tarangire National park, Tanzania.

  1. Wildebeest

Swahili Name: Nyumbu

Although wildebeest can be found in significant numbers across the majority of Kenya’s wildlife parks, it’s during the period between July and November that you can witness the extraordinary congregation of about a million of them in a single location. This spectacle marks the arrival of the Great Wildebeest Migration in the Masai Mara, a phenomenon recognized as one of the last colossal terrestrial wildlife movements on the planet—an argument for its status as the greatest animal spectacle on Earth!

August, in particular, is hailed as the prime time to observe the exhilarating river crossings from the Serengeti into the Mara, making it the most sought-after period for a wildlife safari in Kenya. Given the popularity of the Masai Mara during this season, it’s advisable to commence your preparations at least a year in advance. Furthermore, we recommend considering accommodations within one of the private conservancies adjacent to the Masai Mara National Reserve. Here, you can relish a more tranquil safari experience while still being within proximity to the Migration’s pivotal sites.

Where to Spot Wildebeest in Kenya:

Wildebeest, also known as gnus, abound in most of Kenya’s wildlife parks, including:

  • Masai Mara
  • Amboseli National Park
  • Meru National Park

  1. Zebra

Swahili Name: Pundamilia

These striped equines, known as zebras, inhabit a wide range of habitats across Kenya, including savannahs, grasslands, woodlands, shrublands, and mountainous regions. While you can encounter them in the majority of Kenya’s wildlife areas, several hundred thousand of them join the Wildebeest Migration into the Masai Mara around July each year.

Where to Spot Zebras in Kenya:

Among the wildlife in Kenya, you’ll encounter two distinct subspecies: the common plains zebra, which can be found in nearly all wildlife parks in Kenya, and the striking Grevy’s zebra, also known as the imperial zebra. Grevy’s zebra holds the distinction of being the largest extant wild equid and is also the most endangered zebra species. For the best opportunities to observe Grevy’s zebra during your wildlife safari in Kenya, head to the Samburu National Reserve and the Laikipia region.

  1. Rarities & Other Highlights

You’ve probably heard of the Big 5 and maybe even the intriguing Little 5 (comprising the elephant shrew, ant lion, rhinoceros beetle, buffalo weaver, and leopard tortoise). However, have you ever come across the Samburu Special 5?

Samburu National Park is situated in the northern reaches of Kenya, where the lush green expanses of the country give way to arid scrublands and colossal rocky formations. This exceptional terrain provides a habitat for animals uniquely adapted to the drier, rock-strewn environment. In this off-the-beaten-path safari destination, the stars of the show are unquestionably the Samburu Special 5:

  • Gerenuk (also known as the giraffe gazelle)
  • Somali ostrich
  • Grevy’s zebra
  • Reticulated giraffe
  • Beisa oryx


15 Chimpanzees

While chimpanzees are not indigenous to Kenya, in 1993, when a rescue center in Burundi faced closure, the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Laikipia extended a welcoming hand. They inaugurated the Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary with the noble mission of offering a lifelong sanctuary to orphaned and mistreated chimpanzees originating from West and Central Africa. It stands as the sole location where you can encounter these captivating primates during a Kenyan wildlife safari.

Explore the Enigmatic Aberdare National Park

Explore the Enigmatic Aberdare National Park

Nestled in the central highlands of Kenya, Aberdare National Park exudes an aura of mystery, beckoning adventurers to uncover its secrets, including the elusive Black Leopards that may still roam its wilderness.

Aberdare National Park Overview

The Aberdare Mountains form an isolated volcanic range, serving as the eastern barrier of the Great Rift Valley. Stretching approximately 100 kilometers from north to south between Nairobi and Thompsons Falls, this captivating region offers a dramatic contrast to the Kenyan savannahs. Situated mostly above the tree line, Aberdare boasts spectacular mountainous terrain cloaked in dense tropical forests veiled in mist.

Safari Tours Featuring Aberdare National Park

– Luxury Kenya Fly-in Safari to Mount Kenya, Samburu, Masai Mara – 11 days

Getting to Aberdare National Park

Aberdare National Park is conveniently located about 150 kilometers (93 miles) east of Nairobi. It can be easily accessed from Nyeri and Naro Moru, while the park lies 87 kilometers (54 miles) from Naivasha. Most travelers reach the park by road, often accompanied by tour operators.

– Airport:The park is equipped with two airstrips near Aberdare Headquarters at Nyeri and Mweiga.

Aberdare Highlights and Attractions

  1. Breathtaking Mountain Scenery: Aberdare National Park enchants visitors with its mesmerizing mountain landscapes.
  2. Picturesque Waterfalls: Explore several picturesque waterfalls that grace the park.
  3. Rare Wildlife: The park is home to elusive creatures such as the Black Serval, seldom-seen Black Leopard, and the Eastern Bongo, a massive forest antelope.
  4. Treetops Lodge: Witness wildlife congregating at the famous Treetops Lodge’s waterhole.
  5. Trout Fishing: Enjoy trout fishing in the park’s waters.
  6. Hiking: Embark on hiking adventures amid the park’s diverse terrain.

The Aberdare Experience

Aberdare National Park offers a unique safari experience, distinct from other Kenyan destinations. It gained fame as the location where Princess Elizabeth learned of her ascension to the throne upon her father’s passing at Treetops Lodge. Since then, this lodge has remained a popular stop for Kenyan safari-goers.

Half the thrill of game viewing in Aberdare lies in the sudden appearance of elephants or buffaloes emerging from the dense rainforest vegetation. One of the prime locations to witness these creatures is at the waterholes near the lodge. The park’s landscape includes high mountain peaks, deep ravines with icy mountain streams, and numerous captivating waterfalls on a moorland plateau. Explore the park on game drives and trek to its high peaks, reveling in the spectacular scenery.

As you ascend the mountain peaks within the park, the thick rainforest gives way to bamboo forests and intriguing alpine flora. The forest is inhabited by diverse wildlife, including forest elephants, buffaloes, lions, and antelope species like Waterbuck, Duiker, Suni, and Bushbuck. With luck, you might spot Kenya’s rarest antelope, the Bongo. The park also boasts a robust population of Black Rhinos.

Serval and Leopards, some with rare black coats, share the territory. Numerous primate species, including Black and White Colobus, Sykes, and Vervet Monkeys, add to the park’s biodiversity.

Aberdare Accommodation

  1. The Ark Tree Lodge: Perched overlooking one of Aberdare’s largest salt licks and waterholes, The Ark Tree Lodge offers a unique vantage point to observe forest game. The lodge, designed in the shape of an ark, provides comfortable en-suite rooms and floodlit waterholes for nocturnal wildlife viewing.
  2. Aberdare Country Club: Located on Mweiga Hill in the Aberdare Highlands, the Aberdare Country Club offers a heritage property experience. It combines the charm of a private home with the comforts of a country inn. Activities include horseback riding safaris, golf, nature walks, game drives, and more.


Encompassing most of the Aberdare Mountain Ranges in Central Kenya, Aberdare National Park experiences a moderate climate. The best times to visit are January, February, June, and September. Due to its high elevation, the region remains cooler than the savannahs and coastal plains.

The area remains misty, with rainfall throughout the year. However, it features two primary rainy seasons: March to May and October to December. During these periods, excessive rainfall can render roads impassable.

Discover the Wonders of Amboseli National Park

Discover the Wonders of Amboseli National Park

Amboseli National Park, located in Kenya’s Rift Valley Province near the Tanzanian border, beckons with its stunning landscapes, abundant African wildlife, and the majestic, snow-capped peak of Mount Kilimanjaro serving as an iconic backdrop. Renowned as one of Africa’s premier safari destinations, Amboseli stands out as a sanctuary where you can witness large herds of elephants up close.

Amboseli National Park Overview.

Amboseli boasts a year-round underground water supply originating from Kilimanjaro’s ice cap. This water, filtered through thousands of feet of volcanic rock, feeds two clear springs at the park’s heart. However, the region’s climate can oscillate between periods of drought and flooding, exemplified by the swampy conditions in the 1990s followed by years of arid, dusty plains.

Amboseli Safari Tours

– Amboseli & Masai Mara Premier Safari – 8 days

– Masai Mara, Amboseli & Tsavo Premier Safari – 13 days

– Premier Kenya Luxury Safari – 9 days

– Amboseli Tsavo Classic Safari Getaway – 3 days

– Kenya Explorer Safari Tour – 8 days

Getting to Amboseli

Amboseli Airport is situated within the park, and some lodges have their own private airstrips. Travelers can reach Amboseli National Park via the following routes:

– Meshanani Gate: Travel along the Nairobi/Arusha road via Namanga and enter the park through Meshanani Gate.

– Kimana Gate: Alternatively, opt for the Mombasa route to enter Amboseli via the Kimana Gate through Tsavo West National Park.

Amboseli Highlights and Attractions

  1. Majestic Elephants: Witness magnificent herds of large-tusked elephants, a hallmark of Amboseli.
  2. Mount Kilimanjaro: Behold the picturesque Mount Kilimanjaro, providing an awe-inspiring backdrop to your safari.
  3. The Big 5: Amboseli is home to the Big 5, offering opportunities to encounter these iconic species.
  4. Observation Hill: Climb the Observation Hill for panoramic views of the entire park, including the swamps and elephant herds.
  5. Diverse Habitats: Explore five distinct habitats, ranging from the dry bed of Lake Amboseli to wetlands with sulfur springs, savannahs, and woodlands.
  6. Maasai Community: Immerse yourself in the local Maasai culture by visiting the Maasai community living around the park.

The Amboseli Experience

Amboseli National Park, characterized by arid terrain, benefits from several permanent springs that sustain three swamps, vital watering holes for the park’s animals. Large mammals such as elephants, buffaloes, and hippos congregate around these swamps.

The park’s open landscape offers exceptional game viewing opportunities, making it a haven for photographers. Amboseli welcomes self-drive and guided game drives, while private conservancies on its periphery provide options for walking safaris, horseback safaris, and hot air ballooning.

Amboseli Accommodation

  1. Satao Elerai: Nestled on a private conservancy near Amboseli, Satao Elerai camp boasts scenic views of Mount Kilimanjaro. The camp offers unique and spacious en-suite safari tents with private decks for wildlife observation. Activities include game drives, walking safaris, cultural visits, and more.
  2. Tortilis Camp: Named after the flat-topped thorn trees found in the region, Tortilis Camp provides luxury accommodations in spacious en-suite tented rooms beneath thatched roofs. Overlooking a wildlife-attracting waterhole, the lodge offers game drives and bush walks to explore the concession and Amboseli.


Amboseli experiences a hot and dry climate as it lies in the rain shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro to the northwest. With its proximity to the equator, temperature variations throughout the year are minimal, typically ranging between 27 and 30 degrees Celsius.

The park offers excellent wildlife viewing year-round. However, to avoid the muddy conditions of the wet season, it is advisable to plan visits between January and February or from June to September.

Traveler’s Note

The park falls within a malaria-prone area. It is advisable to consult with a local healthcare professional regarding malaria prophylactics before embarking on your journey to Amboseli National Park.

Explore the Enchanting Tsavo West National Park

Explore the Enchanting Tsavo West National Park

Tsavo West National Park, a part of one of the world’s most remarkable wildlife conservancies, is renowned for its distinctive Red Elephants and the legendary tales of the Maneaters of Tsavo.

Tsavo West National Park.

Tsavo West is an integral part of one of Earth’s largest wildlife conservation areas and ranks among Kenya’s largest national parks. The park boasts a wealth of wildlife, yet its vast size and denser vegetation present unique challenges for game viewing. Consequently, it is less frequented than Maasai Mara and Amboseli. Nonetheless, Tsavo West showcases some of East Africa’s most diverse landscapes, featuring numerous volcanic craters and intriguing hills.

Safari Tours through Tsavo West.

– Masai Mara, Amboseli & Tsavo Premier Safari – 13 days

– Amboseli Tsavo Classic Safari Getaway – 3 days

– Kenya & Mombasa Safari Beach Holiday – 12 days

Tsavo West Highlights and Attractions.

  1. Walking Safaris: Embark on walking safaris to explore the Chaimu volcanic crater and immerse yourself in the park’s captivating terrain.
  2. Underground Viewing Hide: Experience a unique perspective on hippos and crocodiles from an underwater viewing hide at the Mzima Springs.
  3. Shetani Flow: Witness the Shetani Flow, a fascinating volcanic phenomenon where a river of magma once erupted and solidified.

Activities in Tsavo West National Park

– Game Drives: Discover the park’s diverse wildlife on exciting game drives.

– Bush Walks: Take guided bush walks to intimately connect with the natural surroundings.

– Caving: Explore the intriguing caves, including the Shetani Cave.

– Rock Climbing: For those with special permission, engage in rock climbing adventures, notably at Tembo Peak.

Getting to Tsavo West

Tsavo West National Park, a cornerstone of vast conservation efforts, is located in southeastern Kenya, approximately 240 km (150 miles) from Nairobi along the highway to Mombasa.

– Chyulu Gate: Access through Chyulu Gate is available from Amboseli.

– Mtito Andei Gate: From Nairobi, the primary access route is through Mtito Andei Gate.

– Tsavo Gate: Visitors from Mombasa commonly use Tsavo Gate near Manyani.

Airport Access: While Tsavo West is expansive, several lodges feature private airstrips. Notable airstrips include Kilaguni, Finch Hattons, and Ol Donyo Wuas.

The Tsavo West Experience

Tsavo’s history is punctuated by the infamous Maneaters of Tsavo, two maneless lions that terrorized railway workers in the early 1900s, claiming the lives of around 130 individuals. These lions were eventually hunted down after their deadly rampage. Tsavo West was also a significant battleground during World War I, featuring British and German forces.

Today, the region enjoys tranquility and is renowned for its striking red-colored elephants, often seen indulging in dust baths in the rich, red soil. Tsavo West’s varied geological features are a testament to past volcanic activity.

Given the park’s vastness, wildlife is dispersed, requiring time and patience to fully appreciate the park’s treasures. Walking safaris offer an immersive experience in the picturesque savannah, including encounters with the Shetani Lava Flow, believed to have originated from a volcanic eruption 200 years ago. Covering 50 square kilometers, this flow features intriguing caves, such as the Shetani Cave. For water enthusiasts, boat safaris are available on Lake Jipe, while rock climbing can be arranged at Tembo Peak for the adventurous traveler.

A key highlight of Tsavo West is Mzima Springs, producing a staggering 350 million liters of fresh water daily, a vital water source for Mombasa. The springs feature an underground hide offering crystal-clear views of hippos’ underwater antics.

Tsavo West National Park Accommodation

  1. Finch Hattons Camp: This private camp invites you to relive the golden colonial era of safaris. Denys Finch Hatton, famed for his lavish safari style, inspires this luxurious camp. Accommodations consist of tastefully appointed en-suite safari tents. Explore the park with guided morning and evening game drives and immersive nature walks.
  2. Voyager Ziwani: Situated on a private conservancy at the edge of Tsavo West National Park, Voyager Ziwani Camp offers a serene wildlife retreat during your Kenya safari holiday.


Tsavo West National Park enjoys a moderate equatorial climate due to its proximity to the equator, with temperatures ranging from 20 to 30°C. The park experiences two wet seasons: the long rains from March to April and the short rains from November to December.

Discover the Magnificent Tsavo East National Park

Discover the Magnificent Tsavo East National Park

Tsavo East and Tsavo West together form one of the planet’s largest conservation areas, a testament to Kenya’s commitment to preserving its natural heritage. Tsavo East, in particular, is renowned for its awe-inspiring elephant population and the legendary tales of the Maneaters of Tsavo.

Tsavo East National Park.

Tsavo East stands proudly as one of Africa’s most expansive game reserves, strategically positioned between Nairobi and Mombasa. The lifeline of this arid region is the Galana River, which courses through the park, sustaining its remarkable wildlife. Notably, Tsavo East is home to some of the largest elephant herds in Kenya.

Tsavo East Highlights & Attractions.

  1. Giant Elephant Herds: Witness the spectacle of massive elephant herds adorned in red dust from their frequent wallowing and dust bathing.
  2. Mudanda Rock: An imposing rock formation towering above a natural dam, attracting numerous elephants every day to quench their thirst.
  3. Lugards Falls: These striking falls are a feature of the Galana River, cascading over uniquely shaped rocks, creating a breathtaking sight.

Activities in Tsavo East National Park

Enjoy a range of activities that immerse you in the park’s natural beauty:

– Game Drives:  Explore the park’s diverse wildlife on thrilling game drives.

– Bush Walks: Embark on guided bush walks to intimately connect with the landscape.

– Hiking and Rock Climbing:For the adventurous, Tsavo East offers excellent hiking and rock climbing opportunities.

– Horse Riding: Discover the park’s wonders from a different perspective with horseback riding.

Getting to Tsavo East

The primary entrance to the park is the Mtito Andei Gate, conveniently situated approximately 233 km (144 miles) from Nairobi along the Mombasa Road.

**Airport Access:** Given the park’s vast expanse, several camps and private lodges boast private airstrips. These airstrips include Aruba, Satao, Sala, Ithumba, Sangayaya, Mopeo, and Bachuma.

The Tsavo East Experience.

As Kenya’s oldest national park, Tsavo East holds a rich history and exceptional biodiversity. It’s renowned for hosting the country’s largest elephant herds and impressive lion prides. The park gained notoriety with the story of the Maneaters of Tsavo, two lions responsible for around 130 fatalities during the 1898 railway construction. Today, visitors can observe these majestic lions in their natural habitat.

One of the park’s defining features is the Yatta Plateau, the world’s longest lava flow, stretching over 300 km (185 miles). Another captivating sight is Lugards Falls, where the Galana River tumbles over rapids formed by uniquely shaped rocks. Game viewing is often best near water sources like the Aruba Dam.

Tsavo East is also home to giraffes, zebras, impalas, gazelles, and formidable buffalo herds. Predators include large lion prides, elusive leopards, and the fastest land animal, the cheetah.

Tsavo East National Park Accommodation.

  1. Satao Camp: Nestled in the heart of Tsavo East, Satao Camp is an unfenced gem shaded by tamarind trees, overlooking a popular waterhole. The camp offers an “Out of Africa” safari experience with luxury tented suites and guided game drives led by knowledgeable local guides.
  2. Galdessa Camp: Situated on the banks of the Galana River amidst beautiful doum palms, Galdessa Camp offers spacious en-suite bungalows inside Tsavo East National Park. The camp specializes in guided walking safaris for an authentic bush experience.


Tsavo East enjoys a moderate equatorial climate with temperatures ranging between 20 and 30°C. The park experiences two wet seasons: the long rains from March to April and the short rains from November to December.

Tarangire Hot Air Balloon Safari

Tarangire Hot Air Balloon Safari

For those embarking on a hot air balloon adventure, the day begins with a rendezvous at the Launching Site at 06:00 in the morning. The actual takeoff occurs promptly at 06:15. Passengers are encouraged to arrive early to witness the captivating spectacle of the balloon’s inflation. It’s a moment of magic as the skilled pilots breathe life into the colorful fabric with their torches.

The flight itself lasts for approximately one hour, with each journey charting a unique path guided by the prevailing winds of the day. A hot air balloon flight offers passengers the extraordinary opportunity to gracefully float above the awe-inspiring landscapes of Tarangire National Park, home to two iconic wonders of the African wilderness: the majestic Elephants and the ancient Baobab Trees.

Upon touchdown, the balloon crew orchestrates a grand champagne breakfast, complete with the invigorating touch of “Bloody Mary’s” for added delight. To commemorate this remarkable experience, each passenger receives a personalized certificate from their pilot, a cherished memento of their airborne adventure. To complete this special morning, a game drive, courtesy of our vehicle, awaits passengers en route to or from their lodge or the main gate.

We offer convenient pick-up and drop-off services for guests staying at Africa Balloon Safari, Chem Chem, Elephant Lodge, Kirurumu-Tarangire, Tarangire River Camp, Lake Burunge Lodge, Maromboi Tented Lodge, Minjingu Village, and Paradise Camp Site. Transfer rates may apply, depending on your choice of accommodation.

Night Game drive at Lake Manyara

Night Game drive at Lake Manyara

The night game drive commences at the Lake Manyara National Park gate at 19:30. Upon arrival, you will be introduced to your knowledgeable guides and provided with a brief orientation regarding the “do’s and don’ts” for a night game drive. At around 20:00, your expedition sets off, venturing into the dense groundwater forest of Lake Manyara. The forest often plays host to porcupines, genets, and civet cats, making for frequent and intriguing encounters.

From the heart of the forest, your journey leads you downhill towards the lake, tracing the course of the Simba River to the hippo pools. Hippos, primarily active at night, offer a high likelihood of sighting these magnificent creatures as they graze along the roadside. Witnessing a hippo out of the water is a rare and captivating experience.

Your return route takes you through the groundwater forest once more, bringing you back to the park gate at approximately 22:30.

Canoeing at Lake Manyara

Canoeing at Lake Manyara

Visitors to Lake Manyara now have the unique opportunity to partake in waterside game viewing, an unprecedented experience. Within the tranquil, shallow waters of this stunning soda lake, guests silently paddle along the shoreline in two-person canoes. As they drift past the buffalo, giraffe, and elephants on the banks, and encounter the boisterous hippopotamus and captivating aquatic birdlife in the water, this adventure offers a truly extraordinary and unforgettable safari experience, allowing wildlife to be observed from an entirely new perspective. We call it “Wildlife from Water.”

Included in this experience are transfers to and from the launching site, which includes an en-route game drive. Guests can anticipate spending a total of one and a half to two hours on the water, led by a qualified and experienced guide. Quality two-person canoes, dry bags, backrests, paddles, and footwash facilities are also provided. The package encompasses transfers to and from Lake Manyara National Park.

Here’s what to expect: A knowledgeable guide will accompany you to the launching site, conveniently just a short walk from the hotel. There, you will board a stable two-person canoe. The guide will lead you along the lake’s shores, circumnavigating the entire area before returning to the launching site. During this leisurely paddle, you will have the opportunity to observe fascinating birdlife, bask in the breathtaking beauty of this secluded natural haven, and inhale the fresh African air.

The entire excursion has a duration of approximately 5 hours, with 1.5 to 2 hours dedicated to canoeing.

Tanzania’s Amazing Beaches for vacation

Tanzania’s Amazing Beaches for vacation

When visiting Tanzania, you absolutely must not miss the breathtaking selection of beaches that are truly mesmerizing! Bushbuck is your go-to organizer for your entire beach excursion, whether you desire a tranquil respite after your safari adventure or simply want to relax on pristine golden shores for as long as you wish. Tanzania, being situated so close to the equator, ensures a perpetually warm climate, making its beaches the perfect haven to revel in miles of powdery white sand and endless turquoise-blue waters.

These captivating beaches are only a short flight away from the Northern Safari Circuit or a mere 45-minute hop from the Southern Circuit, which is why many travelers opt to combine both experiences. Whether you seek refinement, solitude, or a chance to explore Tanzania’s marine wonders, you can rest assured that Tanzania has something special in store for you.

For those yearning for peace and tranquility, there’s no better escape than the shores of Zanzibar or the mainland coast of Tanzania. We highly recommend the Southern region near Dar es Salaam and the Sadaani National Park, where you’ll find beaches and islands close to Zanzibar, the Pemba Islands, and Mafia. These areas boast incredible marine biodiversity, making them excellent destinations for snorkeling and diving.

Another gem of breathtaking beauty is Vamizi Island, a picturesque paradise on the fringes of the Indian Ocean, featuring an expansive lagoon hugging its shores. If you’re in search of palm trees, pristine sands, golden beaches, and azure-colored seas, this is the place to be.

Zanzibar, with its alluring blend of incredible beaches and rich cultural heritage, is a must-visit destination. Explore Stone Town, boasting Arabian fortresses, and then unwind on the island’s unspoiled 100-kilometer stretch of powder-white beaches, bordered by barrier reefs along the Indian Ocean. The Eastern coast is where you’ll find the finest beaches, with coral thriving in its natural habitat. Although not the primary beach destination in Tanzania, the western side of Zanzibar still has some beautiful beaches around Kendwa. And don’t miss out on the delectable seafood when you visit!

For those in search of seclusion, the Southern region near Dar es Salaam is a spectacular choice. This area offers complete isolation amidst magnificent beach landscapes, making it a dream destination for honeymooners and solitude seekers.

If water sports are your passion, head to the Mafia and Pemba Islands or the beaches off the coast of Zanzibar. These locations boast incredible marine life and are perfect for diving, kite surfing, sailing, and snorkeling. The beaches are renowned for their splendor, with crystal-clear waters where you can spot fish darting along the shoreline, all under a backdrop of endless sunshine, azure seas, and powdery white sands.

For those seeking photographic opportunities that rival desert island fantasies, Pemba Island, Mafia Island, and Vamizi Island are absolute gems. Imagine capturing lagoons, barrier reefs, coral formations, endless stretches of soft, golden sands, and deep blue waters that seem to go on forever, all framed by swaying palm trees—a paradise for any photographer.

Exploring the Marvels of Ngorongoro Crater

Exploring the Marvels of Ngorongoro Crater

Nestled within the expansive Ngorongoro Conservation Area, an awe-inspiring UNESCO World Heritage Site and International Biosphere Reserve, lies the Ngorongoro Crater, an area spanning nearly 8,300 square kilometers. When you embark on a journey here, your senses will be treated to breathtaking natural landscapes, captivating archaeological sites, and encounters with the local Maasai tribe, all set against the backdrop of an astonishing array of wildlife.

Safari Adventure in Ngorongoro Crater National Park

The Ngorongoro Crater, a geological masterpiece, takes center stage within the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Descending into the crater, you’ll be greeted by a remarkable spectacle of wildlife. This pristine habitat offers unparalleled opportunities to observe not only common animals but also rare and elusive creatures, such as the elusive black rhinoceros, amid diverse herds of wildlife.

The Ngorongoro Crater’s origin is rooted in ancient volcanic activity, dating back approximately 20 million years as part of the Rift Valley’s formation. The crater’s rim stands tall at 2,220 meters (1.4 miles), so it’s wise to pack a jacket or sweater for the cooler temperatures. The steep crater walls soar more than 600 meters above the crater floor, making it a truly enchanting destination that never fails to captivate every visitor.

Wildlife Wonders in Ngorongoro Crater

Within the boundaries of the Ngorongoro Crater, a thriving ecosystem shelters approximately 30,000 animals, including the famed “Big Five” – buffalo, elephants, leopards, lions, and rhinos. Beyond these iconic species, the crater teems with a rich tapestry of wildlife, including cheetahs, hartebeests, hippos, hyenas, jackals, reedbucks, warthogs, servals, waterbucks, wildebeests, zebras, and an astounding variety of bird species, not to mention a myriad of insects. Ngorongoro Crater is a wildlife enthusiast’s paradise, offering an unforgettable glimpse into the animal kingdom’s beauty and diversity.