Is a Serengeti Balloon Safari Worth the Experience?

Is a Serengeti Balloon Safari Worth the Experience?

The Serengeti, a natural marvel that tops the must-see lists of many travelers, is renowned for its diverse wildlife, captivating landscapes, and picturesque lakes—a true African gem! Encompassing a vast expanse of 30,000 square kilometers, there’s an abundance to explore and discover, a task that might take several visits to fully appreciate—unless, of course, you have the ultimate perspective: the sky! Enter the balloon safari in the Serengeti—an unparalleled way to witness Africa’s breathtaking vistas and magnificent creatures.

Ascending with the rising sun, you’ll gently glide through the air, following the whims of the morning breeze. As you float above, the scene unfolds before you: wildebeest herds, giraffe formations, and prides of lions traversing the Serengeti plains just meters below. In awe, you’ll take in every corner, your heart racing with adrenaline, and your exclamations of “wow” and “ohhh” capturing the overwhelming wonder. Undoubtedly, this experience is one to remember for a lifetime.


While various hot air balloon safari companies operate in the area, it’s advisable to pre-book this sought-after activity for your Serengeti safari. Due to its weather-dependence, it’s not available year-round. The approximate cost per person ranges from $500 to $600, covering the balloon ride, a champagne toast post-landing, and a delightful bush breakfast with vegetarian/vegan options.

The price encompasses the balloon’s upkeep, pre/post-launch arrangements, launch and retrieval, as well as ground transportation. Each journey involves a licensed pilot and a dedicated team of around 20 individuals. It’s important to note that passenger weight significantly impacts safety, potentially necessitating two reservations for those over 120 kilos (265 pounds).

While it may be on the pricier side for budget-conscious travelers, if it fits your means, the indescribable feeling of soaring above the landscape is invaluable. Thus, the experience is unequivocally worth it. The commodious basket compartments accommodate 8 to 16 passengers, depending on size. Presently, the age limit is set at seven years, with children requiring adult accompaniment.


The dry season (June to October) is optimal for a Serengeti hot air balloon safari. Some companies might operate during the rainy months (March to May), contingent upon weather conditions. Flight cancellation due to rain or wind results in a full refund, and if time permits, rescheduling is possible. This dry season is also ideal for witnessing the Great Migration, amplifying the treat of a silent float over this awe-inspiring spectacle.


Pack your binoculars and DSLR camera to capture the breathtaking scenes below, beyond the scope of words. Dress comfortably and layer up as the pre-flight period and the ride itself can be chilly initially, gradually warming.


Pickup is at the crack of dawn, around 5 or 5:30 AM. You can indulge in a light breakfast and coffee before departing your lodge. En route to the launch site, you might spot nocturnal creatures rarely seen at other times.

Pre-launch, the pilot provides a safety briefing as the balloon inflates. The flight spans roughly an hour, ascending up to 1000 feet, revealing the grandeur of the Serengeti below. Altitude control allows flying at treetop level, enabling close observation of individual animals.

Post-flight, a champagne reception awaits, toasting to “maisha marefu,” Swahili for “long life.” A splendid bush breakfast in the heart of the Serengeti follows, culminating in what’s sure to be an exhilarating experience.

So, is a Serengeti balloon safari worth it? Absolutely! Don’t wait—reach out today and secure the chance to witness Africa’s majesty from the finest vantage point!

Top 10 Reasons to Ascend Mount Kilimanjaro

Top 10 Reasons to Ascend Mount Kilimanjaro

Embarking on the conquest of one of the world’s most splendid and record-breaking mountains is a dream cherished by countless adventurers. It’s no wonder that an increasing number of individuals are journeying to Tanzania to scale Mount Kilimanjaro, the iconic snow-capped peak often dubbed “Every Man’s Everest.” If you’re contemplating taking your adventure to new heights, here are ten compelling reasons to make the ascent:


Mount Kilimanjaro is not merely Africa’s highest summit and the world’s loftiest free-standing mountain; it’s also one of the Seven Summits. Reaching 5,895 meters above sea level, Kilimanjaro boasts a perpetually snow-clad pinnacle. With its three volcanic cones—Mawenzi, Shira, and Kibo—the allure of Kilimanjaro remains ceaseless. While Mawenzi and Shira are extinct volcanoes (with Shira forming the picturesque Shira Plateau), Kibo, the highest peak, lies dormant, poised for a future eruption, having last erupted 360,000 years ago.


Mount Kilimanjaro stands as the most approachable and least demanding of all summits. It is renowned for being beginner-friendly, offering routes spanning from novice to intermediate to challenging. Remarkably, climbers require no specialized training, technical expertise, specific gear, or previous trekking familiarity to reach its apex. Guinness World Records attest to this accessibility, noting the oldest successful climber to be 86 years old, and the youngest, a mere six. This inclusivity has attracted adventurers of all backgrounds, including families worldwide, earning Kilimanjaro its moniker, “Every Man’s Everest.” The journey is anything but dull, offering constant thrills, challenges, and breathtaking vistas.

wildebeest migration


Beyond its awe-inspiring scenery, Mount Kilimanjaro houses a rich array of elusive yet captivating wildlife. Hosting approximately 140 mammal species, 25 carnivores, and an array of birds, the mountain’s elevated terrain fosters distinct and rare animals found nowhere else in the world. Lower slopes, notably the rainforest zone, harbor various creatures including impalas, elands, tree hyraxes, baboons, and blue monkeys. The fortunate might spot colobus monkeys, honey badgers, bushbabies, and even black rhinos. Higher elevations house elusive creatures like high-altitude spiders, duikers, and unique mice species. Large mammals such as giraffes, buffaloes, leopards, and lions occasionally venture into the heath, moorland, and Shira Plateau terrains. As you ascend, you’ll encounter progressively exotic fauna, including plant species exclusive to the Seven Summits. One of the most striking high-altitude life forms is the exquisite Kilimanjaro tree.


Mount Kilimanjaro boasts impressive infrastructure. Its well-marked roads and trails, high-quality rental gear, and notably pristine conditions set it apart from other summits, such as the litter-plagued Everest. The concerted efforts of park rangers, guides, porters, and their teams have admirably preserved the mountain’s cleanliness and its wild essence.


Did you know that while the entire United States experiences seven climatic zones, Mount Kilimanjaro boasts five? Beyond its snow-capped summit, Kilimanjaro guarantees a transformative journey. Each step immerses you in a distinct realm, akin to traversing from the Equator to the North Pole within days. The evolving vegetation and climates create a sensation of moving through various worlds within hours.


Many ascend Kilimanjaro to commemorate significant life events, from retirement to marriage to graduation. However, beyond these milestones, conquering Kilimanjaro allows you to bask in accomplishment for months on end. You’ve stood atop the world, leaving your mark by signing a hidden notebook at Uhuru Peak—a piece of history eternally preserved.


Mount Kilimanjaro serves as a haven for photographers and nature enthusiasts alike. Offering breathtaking panoramas, vibrant flora, and captivating wildlife, it’s a visual treasure trove where snapshots of wildlife, plants, and vistas require no enhancement.


Kilimanjaro’s annual influx of 40,000 climbers generates approximately $20 million, significantly boosting the local economy. This infusion of resources provides livelihoods for guides, porters, cooks, food producers, travel agencies, hotel staff, and local merchants, thus bolstering a region that faces considerable economic challenges.


Kilimanjaro’s captivating wilderness lies tantalizingly close to the Serengeti, one of the planet’s wildest safari parks. Despite this wilderness appeal, Kilimanjaro remains accessible to global travelers. The Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) in Arusha, Tanzania, is a mere 45-minute drive from the mountain located within Kilimanjaro National Park. Alternate routes include charter flights or flying to nearby airports followed by domestic flights to Kilimanjaro.


With its stunning vistas, otherworldly trekking experiences, and juxtaposition of year-round snow against arid savannah, Mount Kilimanjaro’s moniker as the “Greatest Natural Wonder of the World” is aptly deserved. The lure of its breathtaking beauty and exceptional trekking possibilities makes choosing Kilimanjaro as your next adventure a choice that stands tall among the world’s 1,000,809 mountains. The unparalleled journey awaits—consider Kilimanjaro your infallible destination for extraordinary adventures. Explore Kilimanjaro Trekking for diverse itineraries to embark upon.

In the embrace of Tanzania’s Safari Tours, an odyssey of wonder and discovery unfolded. The golden savannas and lush landscapes framed nature’s grandeur, while the diverse wildlife cast a spell of awe. Each sunrise revealed untold stories, as herds roamed and predators prowled. Beyond the breathtaking scenery, the cultural mosaic painted a vibrant backdrop, a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity. The journey etched memories of shared laughter and untamed beauty, imprinting a profound appreciation for Earth’s treasures. As the sun sets on this chapter, the spirit of Tanzania’s Safari Tours lives on, a call to protect and cherish our planet’s wild wonders.

Experience the Spectacle of the Great Migration: Calving Season

Experience the Spectacle of the Great Migration: Calving Season

A journey to Kenya or Tanzania for a safari would be incomplete without witnessing the breathtaking Great Wildebeest Migration. Picture the awe-inspiring scene of majestic cats and cunning hyenas lurking in the tall grass, poised to strike unsuspecting prey. Hear the rush of water as wildebeests cross treacherous Nile crocodile-infested rivers. Witness zebras elegantly traversing open fields. This magnificent spectacle is an absolute must on your safari adventure.

While the Great Migration offers an unparalleled parade of nature’s marvels, you’d also regret missing the astonishing calving season.


The Serengeti’s calving season, a period of mass births, typically takes place from January to early March each year in the southern reaches of Tanzania’s Serengeti region. After the rains gradually subside, usually from January to February, wildebeests and other wildlife commence their procreation. The lush grass, vibrant foliage, and plentiful food sources foster population growth, with wildebeests welcoming around 8,000 newborns daily.

safari visiting Naivasha

The herd collectively nurtures and safeguards these young members. With an abundance of vulnerable prey, the calving season serves as a prime training ground for predators, leading to some of nature’s most dramatic predator-prey interactions. Despite the apparent chaos of the migration, wildebeests exhibit “swarm intelligence,” systematically surmounting obstacles as a unified force. This intriguing behavior is a captivating facet of the wildebeest experience during your tour.

The calving season vividly illustrates the circle of life in nature, making it a tour highlight. Here are some tips to ensure you make the most of your calving season safari:


The calving season, like the rest of the Great Migration, is unpredictable. Opt for a respected and knowledgeable safari operator who can provide an exceptional viewing experience and up-to-date event information. A well-guided calving season safari will unveil a tapestry of predator-prey interactions and astonishing kills, showcasing the raw realities of the food chain. Only a skilled guide can offer this insight.

Kenya Safari Tour


Tanzania’s Serengeti and Kenya’s Masai Mara are the exclusive global venues for witnessing the Great Migration. With high demand, these tours fill up swiftly. Secure your spot for the calving season and other migration phases by booking at least six months ahead.


Witnessing the Great Migration’s calving season demands patience. As you’re amidst wild surroundings, match your pace to that of the creatures you’re observing. Be patient while your guide scouts prime viewing spots.


Your choice of safari lodging can enhance your viewing experience. Opt for mobile tented camps that move with the herds for an immersive encounter.


Given the popularity of the Great Migration and its calving season, anticipate a considerable cost. Set a practical budget to avoid unforeseen expenses during your journey.


Capture not only the sights but also the memories. From newborn wildlife to predator hunts, every moment is a picture-worthy event. Be prepared to document these captivating scenes.


Equip yourself with suitable gear for this wild adventure. Comfort and mobility are paramount, and clothing should adapt to changing weather conditions, particularly during the unpredictable Serengeti calving season


Expect prolonged outdoor exposure. Carry ample snacks to sustain yourself during the day. While tour operators may offer bush lunches and breaks, it’s wise to have extra sustenance on hand. Remember to manage your waste responsibly.

Observing the calving season of the Great Migration is an exhilarating, unforgettable experience. These tips should help you make the most of this remarkable phenomenon during your visit.

Why Safari with us!!

Why Safari with us!!

This is the year you’ve decided, the one when you embark on that long-awaited safari adventure. Or perhaps you’re returning to Africa, drawn by the allure of another extraordinary safari. Excellent decision. So, what criteria should your chosen safari tour company meet?

Experience? Absolutely. An inherent sense of adventure and spontaneity? Without a doubt. The ability to tailor your safari to your preferences? Certainly a priority. And of course, safety and security – an imperative to be guided by individuals deeply connected to this land, intimately familiar with its terrain.

And the guides? Should they be knowledgeable, seasoned, yet also imbued with a sense of fun, friendliness, and a willingness to share their expertise? Guides capable of leading you to prime viewing spots and adeptly tracking wildlife with astonishing precision? Undoubtedly.

Africa Safari Holiday

At Safari Seekers, we fulfill these criteria and beyond.

Kenya is Our Homeland When you choose us for your safari, you’re opting to journey alongside individuals raised in this breathtaking land of golden savannahs and lush green forests. Our entire team, from travel advisors to driver/guides, possess a profound reverence for this natural realm and its magnificent wildlife.

For over two decades, we’ve prioritized the preservation of both the land and its inhabitants, making ecological consciousness the cornerstone of our endeavors as we introduce guests to Kenya’s awe-inspiring parks. Our impact may be light, but our spirit of adventure runs deep.

A Seamless Experience Perhaps you’re feeling a bit uncertain about this grand adventure – the prospect of traveling all the way to Africa for a wild animal tracking safari.

Take a deep breath. From the moment your feet touch down at the international airport until the final embrace before your return flight, we’re by your side. Our 24-hour support remains unwavering throughout your stay.

Tanzania Tours and Safaris

Booking is a breeze with our adept travel guides, eager to provide an array of suggestions to tailor your safari to your desires. Wondering which parks best align with your wildlife interests? Craving encounters with lions, chimpanzees, or flamingoes? We’ve got you covered.

Exceeding Expectations In all aspects. Every one of our tours showcases bespoke 4×4 Land Cruiser Safari Jeeps – the quintessential way to experience Africa.

Whether it’s a half-day exploration of Nairobi or an extensive nine-day expedition spanning multiple national parks, our offerings cater to every journey type – be it the vast plains, Rift Valley lakes, acacia-filled forests, or even marine sanctuaries. Witness the astounding Great Migration of wildebeests or frolic with playful dolphins and whales dancing alongside your vessel; our adventures will quicken your heart.

Africa Safari Tour

Yearning to depart from Nairobi, traverse the parks, then unwind on Kenya’s inviting, sun-kissed shores? We’ve crafted a diverse array of tours tailored to this very dream.

Perhaps a fly and drive safari beckons – elongate your park experiences by minimizing road travel. This is our specialty, our knack for flexible arrangements.

Africa Kenya Safaris also extends value-centric group tours, connecting you with kindred spirits who share your zest for adventure.

Your All-Inclusive Haven From reservations to pick-up, travel logistics, and exhilarating game drives, we’ve got it all covered. We take pride in our comprehensive approach – no middlemen, no intermediaries. When you bestow your trust upon us, we’ll stand beside you, guiding you through every phase of your African safari.

For at Safari Seekers, we approach your enjoyment with the utmost seriousness. Join us on this unforgettable journey!

From Tsavo to Amboseli: Comparing Kenya’s Diverse Safari Experiences

From Tsavo to Amboseli: Comparing Kenya’s Diverse Safari Experiences

Embarking on a Kenya safari tour is an adventure of a lifetime, offering a glimpse into the wild heart of Africa’s diverse ecosystems. Two prominent safari destinations, Tsavo and Amboseli, stand out for their unique offerings and captivating wildlife experiences. In this blog post, we will explore the enchanting worlds of Tsavo National Park and Amboseli National Park, comparing their distinct characteristics and highlighting what makes each of them a must-visit destination for the ultimate adventures in Kenya.

Tsavo National Park: The Land of Giants:

Tsavo, one of Kenya’s oldest and largest national parks, is renowned for its expansive landscapes, diverse habitats, and impressive wildlife. From the moment you enter Tsavo, you’ll be greeted by a vast expanse of raw beauty, making you feel like you’ve stepped into a different world. The park is famously divided into Tsavo East and Tsavo West, each offering a unique safari experience.

Wildlife Encounters: Tsavo is known for its massive elephant herds, often referred to as “The Land of Giants.” Observing these magnificent beings from close proximity within their natural environment evokes a sense of humility.

Landscape Variety: From rugged mountains to arid plains, Tsavo’s diverse terrain plays host to a wide array of wildlife, including lions, giraffes, zebras, and numerous bird species.

Mzima Springs: Don’t miss the chance to visit Mzima Springs, a natural oasis that provides a refreshing contrast to the park’s arid landscapes. Crystal-clear waters attract hippos and crocodiles, offering a unique underwater viewing experience.

Amboseli National Park: Iconic Kilimanjaro Backdrop:

Nestled at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro, Amboseli presents a stunning panorama featuring Africa’s tallest peak. This park is celebrated for its intimate safari experiences and stunning vistas, creating an enchanting atmosphere for wildlife enthusiasts.

Kilimanjaro Views: One of Amboseli’s standout features is the picturesque view of Mount Kilimanjaro. The towering mountain serves as a dramatic backdrop to your safari, making for incredible photo opportunities.

Elephants and Beyond: Famous for its abundance of elephants, Amboseli provides distinctive chances to witness these graceful giants set against the backdrop of Kilimanjaro. Other wildlife, such as lions, cheetahs, and buffalo, also call the park home.

Maasai Culture: Engage in meaningful interactions with the indigenous Maasai community and gain insights into their customs and lifestyle. Certain Amboseli safari encounters facilitate cultural exchanges that lead to a richer comprehension of the area’s heritage.

Comparing the Experiences:

While both Tsavo and Amboseli offer incredible safari experiences, they each have their own distinct charm. Tsavo is characterized by its vastness and diverse ecosystems, while Amboseli captivates with its stunning views and intimate wildlife encounters. Whether you’re seeking encounters with giant elephants or yearning for the iconic backdrop of Mount Kilimanjaro, these parks cater to different safari preferences.

Don’t wait any longer—reach out to Safari Seekers today and embark on your unforgettable Adventures in Kenya!

Practical Packing Tips for Your Memorable Safari

Practical Packing Tips for Your Memorable Safari

As you continue to prepare for your exciting Africa safari, we have more practical packing tips to ensure your comfort, enjoyment, and well-being. Safaris are casual, so prioritize cool and practical clothing in neutral colors with plenty of pockets for convenience and ease of laundering.

Comfort and Health Essentials:

  • Carry Medical Insurance Proof: Since you may be in a new continent far from home, have proof of medical insurance to cover any medical expenses you might incur.
  • Sun Protection: Being near the equator, remember to bring a comfortable hat, plenty of sunscreen, lip balm, sunglasses, and insect repellent to shield yourself from the sun’s elements.

Tech Essentials:

  • International Adapter Plugs: Since lodges and tented camps may have different outlets, carry various international adapter plugs and a voltage converter if needed.
  • Flashlight: In case of evening power outages at accommodations, have a small flashlight as a simple and effective solution.
  • Cameras: Bring a recent model digital camera or a DSLR with interchangeable or zoom lenses to capture fantastic wildlife moments.
  • Camera Batteries and Memory Cards: Carry plenty of camera batteries and memory cards to ensure you don’t miss any photo opportunities during the long safari days.
  • Cleaning Tools: Due to the dusty safari environment, pack a blower brush and cleaning cloths to keep your camera and equipment in good condition.
  • Binoculars: Enhance your viewing experience, especially for distant sightings, with a pair of recommended size 8/10 x 40 binoculars.

Important Essentials:

  • Secure Pockets or Money Belt: Protect your cash and credit cards by carrying pants with secure inside pockets or a money belt.
  • Photocopies of Documents: Bring photocopies of essential documents like passports, visas, flight info, insurance, vaccinations card, driver’s license, and credit card info as backups.
  • Contact Information: Have contact information for all essential documents and family and friends in case of any loss or emergency.
  • Journal: Consider bringing a journal to record precious memories and notes during this once-in-a-lifetime African safari adventure.

With these practical tips, you’ll be well-prepared for your safari, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable experience while creating cherished memories of this incredible journey. Happy safari adventure!

Insider Tips: What to Pack for Your Safari Adventure

Insider Tips: What to Pack for Your Safari Adventure

As you prepare for your thrilling Africa Safari, packing for the adventure becomes a tangible reality. You can already envision yourself on captivating game drives, capturing the majestic big cats with your camera, and unwinding around a campfire or boma after an action-packed day of safari. As you plan your lodge or tent stay, the right clothing, essential gear, and toiletries come to mind – just in case. Here are some insider packing tips to ensure you have everything you need for an incredible safari experience.

Guidelines Before Packing:

  • Divide Clothing: If you’re traveling with a partner, distribute clothing between suitcases in case one bag gets lost during transit.
  • Carry Important Documents: Keep essential documents like passports, wallets, visas, credit cards, insurance, and prescriptions in your hand luggage.
  • Carry Prescription Medications: Hand-carry prescription medications and other important items like aspirin, Imodium, malaria pills, and allergy medication.
  • Protect Expensive Equipment: Keep valuable items like phones, cameras, and binoculars with you as carry-on luggage.
  • Minimal Jewelry: Keep jewelry to a minimum and store it securely and within sight.
  • Use a Shoulder Bag and Money Belt: A shoulder bag is handy for keeping essential items, and a money belt provides extra security for credit cards and currency.
  • Avoid Plastic Bags: In Kenya, supermarket-style plastic bags are prohibited, so opt for fabric bags instead.
  • Light Aircraft Baggage Limit: If you’ll be flying on light aircraft within the country, note that baggage weight is limited to 15 kilograms (33 lbs.), including camera gear. Additional luggage can be stored at your hotel in Nairobi.

Safari Style:

  • Casual Summer Clothes: Safaris in Kenya typically take place in warmer climates, so pack easy-to-wash and quick-drying casual summer clothing.
  • Opt for Neutral Colors: Neutral colors are ideal as they don’t absorb heat or show safari dust. Avoid bright colors, as they can attract flies.
  • Layering: For cool mornings and evenings, layering is the best way to stay comfortable.
  • Sun Protection: Bring long pants and long-sleeved shirts to protect against the sun, and don’t forget sunscreen or sunblock for extended outdoor exposure.
  • Comfortable Footwear: Choose comfortable footwear like tennis shoes or sneakers. If hiking is on the agenda, consider lightweight over-ankle boots.
  • Light Jacket: A light jacket is essential for varying temperatures during the day.
  • Swimming Gear: Most accommodations have swimming pools, so pack a swimsuit for some relaxing pool time.

With these insider tips, you’ll be well-prepared for your African safari adventure. As experienced safari guides, we have plenty more packing tips to offer, so stay tuned for more Africa Kenya Safari insights in the future. Happy packing and enjoy your safari!

How to Plan an Unforgettable Family Safari Trip

How to Plan an Unforgettable Family Safari Trip

There’s nothing more thrilling than witnessing your children encounter wild animals in their natural habitat rather than a zoo. A family safari in Africa promises to be a trip of a lifetime, creating memories and stories that will be cherished forever. However, before embarking on this exciting adventure, there are certain considerations to ensure a successful and enjoyable safari experience for the whole family. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to plan a family safari trip.

Things to Consider:

  • Age of Children: Take into account the ages of your children to plan suitable activities and accommodations.
  • Desired Experiences: Decide on the experiences you want to have during the safari, whether it’s game viewing, cultural encounters, or other activities.
  • Animal Sightings: Discuss with your family the animals you’d like to see and consider destinations known for these species.
  • Family-Friendly Tour Operators: Choose a tour operator that caters to families and offers activities suitable for children.

Question 1: Which Country is Best for a Family Safari?

For family safaris, focus on the top three safari destinations in Africa: South Africa, Tanzania, and Kenya. Tanzania and Kenya offer more authentic African experiences, with “wild” parks and abundant wildlife. Kenya’s major international airport, Jomo Kenyatta (NBO), has more flight options compared to Tanzania. South Africa is ideal for families with younger children, as it offers a variety of activities, modern infrastructure, and numerous malaria-free parks.

Question 2: When is the Best Time to Visit?

For the best game viewing, consider visiting during the dry season in Kenya and Tanzania, between June and October, and in South Africa, between July and November. December to February also offers unique experiences, like the Great Wildebeest Migration in Tanzania, dry months in Cape Town, and migratory birds in Kenya.

Kenya for a safari tour
Question 3: What Family-Friendly Places Should We Visit?

Each country offers a wide range of attractions suitable for families. Here are the top ten recommended places to visit in Tanzania and Kenya:


  • Serengeti National Park
  • Ngorongoro Conservation Area
  • Lake Manyara National Park
  • Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Arusha National Park
  • Zanzibar
  • Tarangire National Park
  • Mto Wa Mbu banana plantations
  • Tinga Tinga Arts Cooperative Society
  • Dar es Salaam


  • Masai Mara National Reserve
  • Nairobi National Park
  • The Crocodile Farm and Snake Park, Malindi
  • Giraffe Center
  • Splash Water World
  • Nairobi City playgrounds and attractions
  • Karen Blixed Museum
  • Elephant Orphanage (DSWT)
  • Mount Kenya Safari Club
  • Fort Jesus, Mombasa

Question 4: Any Other Activities We Can Enjoy as a Family?

Both Tanzania and Kenya offer a variety of exciting activities for families, including hot air balloon rides, snorkeling, water/amusement parks, horseback riding, and more.

Question 5: How Can We Get There?

There are plenty of flights from around the world to South Africa, Kenya, and Tanzania. Flights to Tanzania can be more expensive, but many travelers book flights via Nairobi or Johannesburg and then take connecting flights to Tanzania, which may be more affordable.

Question 6: Can We Self-Drive?

While self-driving is ideal for family safaris due to its flexibility, it is not advisable in East Africa (Tanzania and Kenya). South Africa is the best option for self-driving safaris, with good roads and rental vehicle options.

Question 7: What to Pack for the Kids?

Pack comfortable clothes, closed shoes, sun hats, sunscreen, light jackets, binoculars, mosquito repellent, malaria tablets, interesting books or wildlife guides, and sunglasses for your children.

Suggested Family Safari Tours:

Consider tailor-made safari tours that cater to your family’s interests and preferences, ensuring a perfect vacation for everyone.

Tips on Planning a Family Safari:

  • Plan Ahead: Brainstorm with the family and tailor the safari to suit everyone’s desires.
  • Accommodations: Choose family-friendly lodges or camps that cater to children’s needs.
  • Communicate with the tour Operator: Discuss your preferences and work together to create the perfect itinerary.
  • Book in Advance: Secure your preferred accommodations and activities in advance.
  • Keep the Kids Engaged: Involve the kids in the safari experience by letting them use binoculars and cameras.
  • Age-Appropriate Activities: Ensure safari activities are suitable for the age of your children.

With these guidelines, you’ll be well-prepared to plan an extraordinary family safari adventure that your loved ones will cherish forever.

Top Travel Destinations in Tanzania Perfect for Solo Female Travelers

Top Travel Destinations in Tanzania Perfect for Solo Female Travelers

As travel trends come and go, one trend that’s gaining popularity is solo traveling. With increasing financial independence and empowerment, more women are embracing adventurous journeys on their own, and Tanzania has become a favored destination for solo female travelers. Gosheni Safaris has noticed a surge in solo women adventurers seeking thrilling experiences, from trekking Kilimanjaro to exploring the wild corners of the Serengeti and basking in Zanzibar’s tropical sunshine. To cater to this growing demand, we’ve curated the best places for solo female travelers in Tanzania.

Serengeti bubble


  • Zanzibar boasts world-class beaches with fine white sands, turquoise waters, and vibrant coral reefs. Besides water activities like snorkeling, kitesurfing, and swimming with dolphins, the island offers rich historical and cultural experiences, including the renowned Stone Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Zanzibar is the perfect tropical destination for relaxation, beach photos, and cultural immersion. It’s important to respect local customs during Ramadan by covering knees and shoulders in Stone Town.

Serengeti National Park:

  • For wildlife enthusiasts and photography lovers, there’s no place like the Serengeti. This vast expanse of open grasslands, woodlands, and savannas is home to the world’s largest predator population and the iconic wildebeest migration. The park offers safe, guided, and well-organized safaris, making it ideal for solo female travelers seeking an authentic African adventure.

Ngorongoro Conservation Area:

  • Often referred to as “Africa’s Garden of Eden,” Ngorongoro features a massive wildlife population within its UNESCO site crater, the world’s largest inactive caldera. It’s a safe and well-organized safari destination, easily accessible from the Serengeti, making it convenient to combine both iconic parks into one trip.

Lake Manyara National Park:

  • Lake Manyara’s stunning pink flamingo flocks create an enchanting scenery that any female traveler would adore. This park also offers diverse wildlife sightings, including zebras, baboons, and tree-climbing lions. Apart from photo opportunities, you can enjoy night game drives, bike rides along the lake, forest walks, and visits to local villages.

Tarangire National Park:

  • Known for its elephants and iconic baobab trees, Tarangire provides an unspoiled and less touristy safari experience. Female travelers seeking authentic encounters with wildlife and a touch of adventure will find this park enticing. The park is also just two hours away from Arusha, making it easily accessible.

Lake Eyasi:

  • Lake Eyasi remains a rare African destination where tribal life remains largely untouched by modern developments. Visiting the Hadzabe bushmen and Datoga tribe offers a unique cultural immersion experience, learning their traditional practices and skills such as hunting, gathering, and blacksmithing.

Mount Kilimanjaro:

  • For outdoorsy women, conquering Mount Kilimanjaro is a thrilling and rewarding experience. As Africa’s highest peak and the world’s highest free-standing mountain, it offers diverse climates and breathtaking landscapes, perfect for camping, hiking, and photography.

Tanzania, as a solo female traveler’s paradise, offers picture-perfect landscapes, rich culture, and culinary delights. The country’s safaris are well-guided and often in small groups, fostering opportunities to meet like-minded travelers. With accessible transportation options, friendly locals, and reputable tour operators, Tanzania ensures a hassle-free and unforgettable journey for women exploring the wonders of this diverse and adventurous destination.