Durations6 Days

Tour TypeKenya Safari

Explore Tours

A Unique African Safari Experience Awaits

Embark on a one-of-a-kind African safari that allows you to intimately explore Kenya by Land Cruiser Jeep and take to the skies for a unique perspective as you wing your way from Nairobi back to the coast. This extraordinary journey will lead you to some of Kenya’s finest parks, teeming with iconic wildlife such as lions, leopards, elephants, and wildebeests, along with delightful surprises like rhinos and vibrant pink flamingoes.

Tour Schedule Details

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Duration: 3-Hour Drive

4:30 am – Rise and shine; it’s safari time! Your private 4 x 4 Land Cruiser Jeep and driver/guide await to kick start your adventure. A journey to Mombasa via the Likoni Ferry awaits.

As the sun’s early light bathes the passing fields along the Mombasa-Nairobi Highway, we’ll make stops for refreshments and to stretch our legs. The gate to Tsavo East National Park marks the beginning of our safari, with lions, elephants, cheetahs, giraffes, zebras, and an array of captivating birdlife to look forward to.

These initial game drives introduce you to the rhythms and serenity of the natural world. Following lunch and a brief respite, we’ll venture out for more safari excitement. As the sun sets and the day cools, the park comes alive with more wildlife emerging from the bush. We’ll return to our Tsavo East safari lodge or tented camp to relax, savor dinner, and relish the day’s adventures.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Duration: 5-Hour Drive

Daybreak invites another early game drive to observe the park and its inhabitants awakening to a new day. Our journey now leads us to Amboseli, where we should arrive around midday, offering an opportunity to freshen up at our accommodation.

An unhurried game drive in this compact yet bustling park reveals majestic herds of elephants parading in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro. If luck is on our side, the clouds veiling Kilimanjaro’s snow-capped peak may part, granting us one of Africa’s most iconic views.

Dinner and reprieve await at our Amboseli accommodation.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Duration: 7-Hour Drive

Another early start beckons as we embark on an extended yet scenic journey to Lake Nakuru. En route, the dramatic cliffs of the Great Rift Valley present a breathtaking spectacle. Pause at Lakes Naivasha and Elementeita to admire their picturesque landscapes.

Lake Nakuru boasts its own unique beauty – a realm of rocky peaks, cascading waterfalls, and shaded forests where giraffes and antelopes roam freely. The lake is a haven for pelicans, storks, cormorants, and at times, vast numbers of pink flamingoes. This park also hosts rhinos, both black and white, in its sanctuary, safeguarding these increasingly rare and elusive creatures.

Spend the evening at your Lake Nakuru lodge or tented camp.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Duration: 6-Hour Drive

The early morning tranquility at the lake provides a peaceful opportunity to observe birds and larger game seeking breakfast by the shore.

Our next destination is the Masai country and the magnificent Masai Mara. Along the way, you might even encounter Maasai herders tending to their cattle. We’ll arrive in the afternoon, allowing time for a game drive over the park’s colorful hills and amber-hued savannahs.

Boasting the highest concentration of wildlife in the region, the park promises active and diverse sightings. The upcoming three days will be spent in this lush environment. Dinner will be served at your Masai Mara safari lodge or tented camp, providing ample rest and preparation for the thrilling safari adventures ahead.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Prepare for a day filled with wildlife encounters throughout the park. Your guide’s expertise in tracking animals allows you to tailor your experience. Be as active as you desire or relax at your accommodation, depending on your preference.

If your visit aligns with the Great Migration season (July – October), you’ll witness the mesmerizing spectacle of tens of thousands of wildebeests, zebras, and gazelles streaming into the Mara from the Serengeti. The Mara River, where this grand drama unfolds between the migrating grazers and the river’s crocodiles, as well as the numerous predators throughout the park, promises a timeless portrayal of nature’s ongoing saga.

For additional safari experiences, consider taking an optional cultural tour to a nearby Maasai village. Here, you can engage with indigenous people and gain insights into their farming and herding lifestyles.

For an unforgettable event, arrange with your guide for an optional early morning balloon safari over the park. Witness the sunrise over the Mara as wildebeests and other game emerge into the dawning day, creating a breathtaking spectacle. Dinner will be served at our Mara accommodation.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Maximize your last day with another game drive, revisiting favorite spots in the park or exploring new ones. Later, we’ll depart for Nairobi, reaching the city in the late afternoon.

From Nairobi, a short and convenient flight will transport us back to Mombasa and then to Diani Beach or other coastal resorts. Six full days of vibrant parks, wildlife, and thrilling safari adventures culminate in a newfound appreciation for Kenya’s reserves and the magnificent animals that inhabit these vital ecosystems.

Thank you for joining us on this exceptional safari journey from all of us at Safari Seekers!